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A building designed for the well-being of everyone inside

A building designed for the well-being of everyone inside

The OM∞ building

This above ground complex located in the heart of MADBIT, the new digital district of Madrid, Spain, features a total of 39,000 m2 where each floor spans over nearly 10,000 m2. Layouts of 1 000 to 9 000 square meters are possible on each level, and the building boasts eleven highly efficient elevators as well as additional escalators to connect all floors and the below ground garage.

Thanks to a highly efficient construction planning, each space can easily be adapted to the needs of new tenants, which is beneficial in regards to time and cost for changes of tenants.

OM∞ consists of two buildings which are connected by spectacular atrium entrances. The ground floor is designed to promote well-being and unity among people, and features a relaxed environment with interior gardens, indoor and outdoor sports facilities, meeting rooms as well as a library and a spacious after-work zone.

A comfortable indoor climate

In the Western world, we spend about 90% of our time indoors. To support the comfort and well-being of the people spending their days inside the OM∞ building, focus has been given to three aspects of the indoor environment:

Light – OM∞ features a dynamic façade and spaces with close connection to nature that allow for natural light to reach 90% of all workstations. Natural light positively affects our mood and productivity which is why lighting control, activity based lighting levels, and glare control are installed.

Air quality - in addition to the daily need of 1 kg of food and 3 kg of water, we need 13 kg of air. OM∞ decided to provide the building with an advanced air filtration system which allows for  good air quality at all times.

Water - dehydration of as little as 2% can negatively affect attention and performance. OM∞ has therefore implemented utilization policies to avoid waste of water, and conducts thorough analyses and filtration processes to ensure high quality water to the people inside.


Learn more about the importance of a good indoor climate

Sustainability, well-being and adaptability

OM∞ is the first in a new era of buildings in the capital of Spain. With its 39,000 m2, OM∞ is not only the largest under construction business complex in Madrid but, with prestigious LEED® Platinum and WELL Platinum pre-certifications, also the only one in all of Europe and America capable of guaranteeing maximum sustainability and comfort.

The building was in 2022 recognised by AEO as the best new building in Spain, thanks to the LEED and WELL Platinum certifications as well as the AEO A+ certification. With these top level building qualifications, OM∞ positions itself as one of the largest sustainable business complexes in the country.


Get to know the building certificates better

Environment and people, the heart of the building

OM∞ offers a perfect atmosphere and architecture for talent development. The building features the latest advances in accessibility, air conditioning, security, computerized control, thermal and acoustic insulation, and it offers a wide array of H2H space (!).

H2H is short for "Human to Human" and is an innovative area designed to promote well-being and unity among people. In the case of OM∞, the H2H space offers a relaxed environment which invites to conversation and which enables people to hang out, work or engage in various activities.


Indoor climate in different spaces, examples in our experts' napkin sketch

Swegon as a key supplier

For Swegon, this project included a delivery of 24 GOLD air handling units, in a variety of sizes from 12 to 100, to ensure the ventilation demands in the entire building. It was pointed out above that the requirements of the OM∞ building contained a clear demand for good air quality, and the office space was described to be highly adaptable. These needs and features of a building have our Swegon GOLD units no problem to comply with.

A stunning 1 600 Swegon PARASOL hydronic comfort modules were also provided to the project. In this specific case, the most prominent advantages of the Parasol units are the easily adjustable nozzles as well as the 4-way air distribution, where each side has an adjustable airflow rate and a variable direction of air discharge. These characteristics of our Parasol unit ensure, in particular, a comfortable indoor climate.


Read more about air quality

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