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Four pipe Multi-functional Units

Understanding the principals of 4-pipe multifunctional unit heating and cooling

This seminar has been accredited by the Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers (CIBSE). In this presentation Swegon outlines the functions of a 4-pipe multifunctional unit whilst demonstrating the many benefits. This seminar will outline how a 4-pipe unit replaces the conventional boiler or heat pump and chiller found in most properties. Having one multi-functional unit to fully utilise heat recovery for maximum efficiency and simultaneous heating and cooling, and with minimum impact on the environment. By re-using waste energy for heating, multifunctional 4-pipe systems provide greener buildings and low carbon emissions.

4-pipe units not only reduce capital outlay with having one unit over the need for buying two, but lifecycle operation costs and maintenance is reduced by a unit that maximises heat recovery and provides maximum efficiency in terms of primary energy.