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Air-cooled chillers, DC inverter-controlled brushless compressors, free-cooling version with independent section, R410A, 36-96 kW
Free-cooling chillers with independent section. No-Glycol Free-Cooling options.
Air-cooled modular free-cooling chiller, scroll compressors, 3 free-cooling configurations available, R410A, 122-518 kW
Air-cooled high efficiency free-cooling chiller, screw compressors with variable compression ratio and inverter control capacity modulation, R513A, R134a, 260-880 kW
Air-cooled modular free-cooling chiller, screw compressors, 3 free-cooling configurations available, R513A, R134a, 353-1291 kW
Water-cooled modular free-cooling chiller, scroll compressors, no glycol version, R410A, 39-640 kW