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EPD Environmental Product Declarations (pdf 743.14kB) GOLD RX 050-060 / SILVER C RX 050-060 Quality 03/04/2024
Motor control with integrated wiring terminals, fan (pdf 495.07kB) SILVER C IOM Manual 24/10/2024
Stand (GOLD/SILVER C SD 004-008/COMPACT) (pdf 179.38kB) TBLZ-1-aa-04/TBLZ-1-03-05 IOM Manual 24/05/2018
Guide hygiene execution (GOLD/SILVER C) (pdf 1.33MB) VDI 6022 IOM Manual 27/09/2023
Adapter (GOLD/SILVER C RX/PX size 014-030) (pdf 75.79kB) TBXZ-1-95 IOM Manual 21/11/2019
Multi section (GOLD/SILVER C, RX/PX/CX) (pdf 167.37kB) TCFE IOM Manual 03/07/2019
Final filter (GOLD/SILVER C) (pdf 57.54kB) TCFB IOM Manual 02/07/2019
Declaration of hygiene execution (GOLD/SILVER C) (pdf 143.17kB) VDI 6022 Quality 27/09/2023
Protocol rotary heat exchanger controls (SILVER C) (pdf 115.66kB) Modbus Others 09/11/2020
Stand (GOLD/SILVER C RX 004-008) (pdf 190.04kB) TBLZ-1-aa-02 IOM Manual 03/07/2019
Heat exchanger control system, 2-8 Nm (RECOnomic, sizes 04-80+, RECOsorptic, sizes 04-80+) (pdf 742.09kB) SILVER C RX IOM Manual 21/01/2025
Roof for outdoor montage (GOLD/SILVER C RX 004-020) (pdf 3.08MB) TBTB-6 IOM Manual 25/10/2022
Pipework package (GOLD/SILVER C SD 004-120, GOLD CX 100/120, SILVER C CX 035-120) (pdf 819.39kB) TBXZ-6-42 IOM Manual 27/05/2024
Hand-held terminal, fan motor control (SILVER C/MIRUVENT) (pdf 579.55kB) TBLZ-4-75 IOM Manual 30/04/2021
Recirculation section (GOLD/SILVER C, RX/PX/CX 004-120) (pdf 373.53kB) TCBR IOM Manual 13/04/2022
Spacer section, TCGA with upward, downward or rear duct connection GOLD/SILVER C, sizes 004-040 (pdf 76.88kB) TCGAC IOM Manual 25/02/2021
Eurovent certificate (pdf 198.04kB) SILVER C Quality 19/12/2024
Exterior wall hood (GOLD/SILVER C 004-008/COMPACT LP) (pdf 69.45kB) TBHE-1 IOM Manual 03/07/2019
Electric air heater (GOLD/SILVER C/COMPACT) (pdf 229.69kB) TBCE/TBRE/TCLE-02 IOM Manual 27/11/2023
Heat exchanger control system, 14 Nm (RECOnomic, sizes 100/120, RECOsorptic, sizes 80-120) (pdf 394.49kB) SILVER C RX IOM Manual 06/11/2020
Bottom connection section TCBC GOLD/SILVER C, sizes 004-040 (pdf 72.05kB) TCBC IOM Manual 25/02/2021
Fan Motor (without factory fitted motor control system) (pdf 106.32kB) SILVER C IOM Manual 28/03/2024
EPD Environmental Product Declarations (pdf 1.81MB) GOLD RX 070-080 / SILVER C RX 070-080 Quality 08/07/2024
Assemby of extract air hood (GOLD/SILVER C 050-120) (pdf 59.53kB) TBTA-2-aaa-aaa-2 IOM Manual 03/07/2019
Roof for outdoor montage (GOLD RX 025-120, PX 025-060+, CX 035-120, SD 004-120,SILVER C RX 025-120, PX 004-060+, CX 035-120, SD 004-120) (pdf 6.23MB) TBTB-6 IOM Manual 21/08/2024

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