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Transformer, GOLD/COOL DX/COMPACT Heat (pdf 71.23kB) TBLZ-3-aa-11 IOM Manual 31/05/2022
COMPACT Air Brochure (pdf 922.19kB) COMPACT Air Brochure 11/01/2021
Duct Accessories (GOLD/COMPACT) (pdf 1.2MB) TBxx/TCxx IOM Manual 04/05/2021
Quick Guide - AHU (pdf 4.77MB) GOLD, SILVER C, COMPACT, GLOBAL, ESENSA, CLASS UNIT, CASA, MURAL Brochure 25/06/2024
Electrical conn. for air heater/air cooler, water (GOLD/COMPACT) (pdf 57.3kB) TBLZ-1-27-a IOM Manual 26/06/2019
Air heater for hot water (GOLD/COMPACT) (pdf 218.67kB) TBLA/TCLA IOM Manual 02/07/2019
Electric air heater (COMPACT Air) (pdf 198.01kB) CARE-1-01 IOM Manual 24/06/2019
Electric air heater (GOLD/SILVER C/COMPACT) (pdf 229.69kB) TBCE/TBRE/TCLE-02 IOM Manual 27/11/2023
Overview - GOLD/SILVER/COMPACT (pdf 19.71MB) GOLD/SILVER/COMPACT Brochure 04/09/2024
Web page manual (GOLD/COMPACT) (pdf 661.6kB) COMPACT IOM Manual 24/05/2018
Building product declaration (pdf 333.63kB) COMPACT Air/Heat Quality 22/03/2019
Louvre damper (COMPACT) (pdf 169.05kB) TBLZ-54 IOM Manual 24/06/2019
Extension cable kit (GOLD/COMPACT) (pdf 74.11kB) TBLZ-2-13 IOM Manual 26/06/2019
EDE object types (GOLD LP/COMPACT) (csv .47kB) BACnet Others 24/05/2018
Silencer (GOLD/COMPACT) (pdf 97.82kB) TBDA/TBDB/TCDA/TCDB IOM Manual 02/07/2019
Compact sound attenuator with centre baffle for circular ducts (pdf 305.39kB) CLA-B Technical catalogue 06/09/2024
Thermoelectric actuator for cooling and heating systems (pdf 605.1kB) ACTUATOR c 24V Technical catalogue 23/05/2023
Electrical equipment cubicle for pressure controlled pump, coil heat exchanger (GOLD CX/SD) (pdf 419.78kB) 809535 IOM Manual 05/08/2024
Cover plate (COMPACT) (pdf 181.09kB) CACZ-1-07 IOM Manual 24/06/2019
Lightstrips, ceiling system for heating and cooling (pdf 291.75kB) HDA Technical catalogue 24/05/2018
Compact comfort module for hotels and hospital wards (pdf 7.03MB) PARAGON Technical catalogue 24/04/2024
Air cooler (GOLD/COMPACT) (pdf 366.53kB) TBKA/TCKA, TBKC/TCKC IOM Manual 14/06/2022
Preheating, function guide (pdf 384.5kB) GOLD IOM Manual 01/07/2021
Electrical heating (pdf 724.34kB) PARAGON IOM Manual 23/02/2024
Circulation pump (GOLD/SILVER C/COMPACT) (pdf 366.24kB) TBPA-6 IOM Manual 09/08/2021

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