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INSIDE Manager

Improve the performance and operational efficiency of units through remote diagnostics and preventive maintenance.
  • Easy-to-use platform for deep data analysis
  • No external gateway needed (Cloud-to-cloud integration)
  • Customised dashboards for your system with live values
  • Easy set-up of customised alarms to your email of phone
  • Smart alarm management
  • Mobile app available (iOS & Android)

INSIDE Manager enables users to improve the performance and operational efficiency of devices through remote diagnostics and preventive maintenance. This reduces the number of on-site visits, minimises downtime and lowers overall maintenance costs. INSIDE Manager has a number of features to make the user experience simple:

  • Create graphs with live / historical sensor values from different products
  • Create customisable scheduled reports for different types of users or products
  • Easy-to-use export of historical sensor data
  • Map that displays where the plants/units are located
  • Access to your plant on the go via the Swegon INSIDE Manager App (iOS & Android)
  • Create dashboards for your whole system, available in both desktop and mobile app
  • Multiple access levels for different user roles

Whilst we have made every effort to ensure information on this website is up to date and accurate, the technical specification and availability of products/services listed on this website may vary market to market and are subject to change without notice. Please contact your regional representative or visit your local website for further details.