The ventilation requirement must be met and safeguarded to achieve a good indoor climate. Energy consumption is also a parameter that is affected by the solution. Swegon provides a comprehensive range of damper and measurement units that make it possible to measure, regulate and create a solution based on demand with low energy consumption.
Installation and commissioning are simple as all dampers in the REACT family can be set and read via the display on the product, or via a hand-held terminal.

sold and installed REACT dampers
No matter how good a product is, it can always be better. This is an objective we must have in order to continue to supply high-quality products.
As we work to bring fresh air indoors, we also understand the importance of having fresh air outdoors. That’s why the whole of our business is quality and environmentally certified.
Aarhus University Hospital
The university hospital in Århus, Denmark, is one of the largest in Europe with its 500 000 m2 floor area. It resembles the size and layout of a smaller Danish village with streets making up neighbourhoods, and sqares adding a life and greenery.
A significant part of the hospital is new-build connected to the older buildings which creates an elegant mix of tomorrow and yesterday. At Swegon we are proud to have been a part of this extension, the largest in Danish history, that was completed in 2019.
The project was provided with 3 000 REACT V variable flow dampers and 5 000 ceiling diffusers from us at Swegon. As in the majority of our projects we were involved from an early stage, through commissioning and today in continuous operation.

Which REACT dampers would you choose?
Below you will find all REACT dampers in the family, click on the products to find out more about their specifications and download product documentation.
Whilst we have made every effort to ensure information on this website is up to date and accurate, the technical specification and availability of products/services listed on this website may vary market to market and are subject to change without notice. Please contact your regional representative or visit your local website for further details.